Thursday, 18 June 2015

On our journey

In the priceless granted Time
                                of Eternity,
Guided by the Brightest Star,
We travel an ever-changing viewed
To Bethlehem Afar.

“Hello! are you going to the other Shore?
        Look here, so many Boats for you to choose.
                                                                Choose One, not Two.
                                                                                           If you do
                                                Put each foot in Two Boats
                                                Soon you’ll find yourself
                                                                Not  a-Sail
                                                                But a-Float!”
                                                Said the Liar Rook,
                                                                Not Bear Pooh.

“Rest Your Mind
                Calm down Your Nerves
                                Put away
                                                The pills and herbs …. “
                                                                                Said Rose Li, “Let us do Tai Ji.”